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Continual Lifesciences

Dr. Utsav Jasani

Orthopaedic Doctor
About Dr. Utsav Jasani

Orthopedic Rehab Clinic by Dr. Utsav Jasani is a  combination of Modern Science which is used to diagnose patients’ condition & sacred science of Ayurveda which helps in healing with the help of Authentic Ayurveda herbs and minerals as medicine.

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Continual Lifesciences

Vyomi Thakkar Jasani

About Vyomi

It’s always about a meal plan and never a diet plan” Nutriomi by Vyomi believes, a meal plan can be followed for a lifetime whereas a diet plan will give you short term benefits and no persistence long results. Personalized  meal plans. No food restrictions. Pure lifestyle changes, exclusive inner happiness! Tasty foods can be super healthy.

Book An Appointment with Vyomi