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HomeCase StudiesConstipation Gut cleanse Case Study

Constipation Gut cleanse Case Study


We studied group of patients with acute & chronic developed constipation.
Half of them were given Exeltune tablet along with tea spoon of ghee at bed time and other half were managed by placebo.

5th day 50% of cases were 100% better and at 15th day 75% cases were treated, remaining 25% were 80%comfortable and complains like bloating, burps unsatisfied bowel were solved. While after 30 to 60 days of use of Exeltune along side good fibrous diet ,patient could taper off Exeltune dose from 2 H.S to 1 H.S to only ghee at night showed that Exeltune was not habit forming and worked on improving GI motility.while other group on placebo continued to suffer from constipation few had drastic diarrhoea due to strong laxative few had to continue laxative they were given.
Exeltune also helped to relive discomfort in patients suffering from haemorrhoids and digestive problems even bloating got better.

Constipation Gut cleanse Case Study

Research Paper

• Sonamukhi archives/2017/vol6issue2/PartF/6-2-92-932.pdf

• Trivruth 289863714_A_comprehensive_review_on_Trivrit_O perculina_Turpethum_syn_Ipomoea_Turpethum

• Kakamachi publication/ 235919903_BRIEF_REVIEW_ON_THERAPEUTIC_ POTENTIALS_OF_KAKAMACHI_Solanum_nigrum_ Linn

• Kasamarda publication/ 304379657_Review_on_Nutraceutical_Potential_of _Cassia_occidentalis_L_-


A non habit forming laxative.

Corrects constipation gently by direct stimulation of the bowel.

Indications and actions

Restores bowel movement
Ensures regularisation of peristalsis
Assures smooth evacuation without fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
Corrects constipation associated with piles.

Contents and its uses

  • Sonamukhi is a well known laxative, expels toxins, losses the bowel and also help reduce inflammation in haemorrhoids.
  • Triphala is a good fibre source, also improves digestion and GI motility and works on IBS as well.
  • Kasani improves GI motility and rich in dietary fibre.
  • Jethimadh works on acidity, heartburn and reduce inflammation in GI linings. Sunth helps improve digestion.
  • Vidang Anti anthelmintic.
  • Trivruth good laxative.
  • Kasamarda improves GI motility and also evacuates bowel being a irritant.
  • Kakamachi Laxative effect and also reduces inflammation in haemorrhoids.