Chariskin is a unique proprietary combination aim to act on skin ailments acting as a blood purifier, rich in antioxidants improving the skin cell injury fighting capabilities caused by infectious origin; It also improves natural skin collagens and skin complexion.
Katuki, Kantakari, Harde, Bhringaraj, Vayvarna, Neem, Triphala, Kalmegh all in 50 mg quantity.
Out of which kutuki, kantakari, kalmegh are proven antioxidant rich herb protects skin and other cells of the body fighting ailments and great detox abilities; Bringaraj improves and contributes for skin collagens improving the texture and protecting early aging of skin. Harde and Neem having more of the medicinal properties protecting against cell injury due to bacterial viral or fungal factors. Triphala great source of vit C and have Anti Inflammatory properties. Vayvarnya for detox and promote excretion through Diuresis.
Overall Chariskin a great blood purifier.
Acne Pimple Boil
Chariskin doesn’t really target the excess sebum secretion is important mechanism of skin rather only works on the clogged debris, prevents infections, protects cell injury being a rich in antioxidants and cleanses and treats these conditions.
Majority of new case were just managed by Chariskin 1-1-1 and were treated in 15 days, while chronic situations got better by 65% in 90% of case and by the end of 2 months got better by 90% in 95 % of cases.
Skin Disorders mainly Discolourations
Discolouration of the skin mainly due hemosiderin deposits giving dark browning shade to the patch of the skin mainly in case like varicose vein, allergic or infectious reminisce giving patches on the skin in such case Chariskin 1-1-1 was used starting showing results in 1st 15 days, while notable results were in 1 month time were in more 50% of the skin got better, Small patches which were not chronic were treated in 1st month itself, while in fungal infection or other infection modern day anti-fungal or anti-biotic or anti-allergic when used adjuvant to Chariskin better and faster skin recovery was seen.
In case of chronic case like varicose vein discolouration 90% skin appearance improved back to normal in 3 months.